Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Zoo!

So Josh had the day off and we decided to make a day of it. We went to the Zoo and his store up in Bountiful since I have never been there even though he moved up over a year ago. We went to the zoo first and I was a little worried because Lleyton was very tired and cranky as you can tell ...
Once inside though he immediately got excited. He was pointing and trying to say all the animal names. You could not even tell minutes earlier he had been tired and cranky. I love this pic, Lleyton is all cute and smiley and Josh looks like I just told him my water broke or something.
The only pic of me all day and for good reason. I look chubby! Sad part is I thought I was looking pretty good until I saw myself on camera and all the anorexic pregnant girls walking around the Zoo. I wish I was one of those girls who only got a little tummy and didn't gain anywhere else but unfortunately I'm not and there is nothing I can do about.

Here is Lleyton in the reptile room. It was so cute he kept trying to say turtle but couldn't quite. He is pointing at the Tortoises aka turtles.Here they are. They were huge. The picture makes them look tiny.
Can you see it ...
Josh called me over and told me to look up, right above my head was some type of monkey chillin' I can't believe he spotted it. Here they are pointing to it.
The tiger. We were so excited because Lleyton always roars everytime you see a Tiger, Lion, or Bear. Wasn't really the best crowd pleaser though. Plus they didn't even have a Lion that or it was hiding.
Lleyton with the giraffe's it's crazy how big they are. I felt bad taking this pic, I thought I turned my flash off but I guess not. They have a big sign that says no flashes.

I thought it was pretty fun. Before we went in Josh asked how big it was, and I said, "I don't know big, but I don't know what to compare it to." Well Josh is used to the Zoo in D.C. so I wasn't the best person to ask. It was perfect for a pregnant girl. We were able to see all the animals in just under two hours. Josh was impressed because I kept up and didn't whine until the end right before lunch. Once I was done I was done. I kept telling him to keep going, I was afraid if I sat down I wouldn't get up. He couldn't quite understand why it made me so I tired. I told him it was because I was carrying around 20 extra lbs. He replied "well I've been carrying Lleyton the last 15 minutes and I'm not tired". Men, I only wish they knew what it was like being pregnant.

After that we hit lunch and went to Josh's store. It was interesting seeing all the people he's been talking about for a year now. I pictured them differently in my head then they really were. It was good to see where he works. He complains about how small it is but it really wasn't that bad until you saw there freight room. Poor guy. It's so tiny they have hardly any room to put freight. Hopefully we can move that way soon. If you know anybody who wants to rent will give them a good deal :)

1 comment:

JACK!E said...

I love the zoo! We are going on Monday if it doesn't rain. And by the way, you do not look chubby at all. You have a tiny belly and you look way cute!