Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter weekend

Dying Eggs at my parents house.
He was so cute

He really liked dying them with Grandpa. He would go "OOoohhh" when we'd drop them in the dye.My Easter Flowers from my sweet hubby. They smell awesome and we haven't killed them. wahoo!
Lleyton's Easter goods before he got to them. We got him a Diego raquet so he can go play tennis with Josh. He always carries Josh's racquets around the house. Instead of going crazy with candy I got him play dough, bubbles, and other stuff. I went a little overboard. I was just going to get him one toy and then Josh came home with stuff too. Oh well I'll have to start worrying when he gets old enough to remember how much he got the year before.
His snake from the easter egg hunt.
Lleyton had an easter egg hunt and did really well when it came to finding them. I bought plastic eggs filled with stretchy lizards, snakes, and frogs. He still liked them and we didn't have a candy overload.
playing with legos with Daddy
Annual Easter Pic. At my parents house for dinner and egg bashing. Don't we look skinny ... Not!
After dinner we went to Josh's Mom's house for dessert. Too bad we didn't get a pic with her. This is Josh with his Grandpa. What a funny old man.

For all of those who feel so inclined here is the video of Lleyton going to see his Easter basket. I know some of the grandparents are too far away and don't get to see him so this is the best we could do.


Emily said...

So cute! Was it Easter for Lleyton or Christmas!? geez, make me feel like a bad mom! Bay got a stuffed bunny! :) JK. Those flowers were gorgeous, too! Your fam is so cute!

Danny and Jessica Matson said...

Looks like it was a fun Easter. Looking at pictures makes me homesick and miss you guys. We love ya.