Lleyton colors on everything. In one week he colored on this race track, his car, my new side tables, the table. Finally, I got smart and locked them up.
In January our heater went out, and our water heater broke at the same time. I bundled up the kids and they still had rosesy noses. Luckily my Dad's cousin owns Jasper Plumbing. They were awesome! They came out right away and fixed it and even managed to help with the water heater. Thank heavens, it was 50 degrees inside my house. My poor babies.
I love this pic. This was the same day the heater went out. It cracks me up, Lleyton loves to hold Rhyder but it looks so funny because Ry is about as big as him.
This is Josh's Mom. I have decided to keep working since they let me work from home. Josh's Mom was and is awesome when I have to go in the office. It makes me feel better knowing that my kid's are happy when I do have to go in, which is only like once a week now. Thanks Becky!
I swore I wasn't going to go overboard on Easter, but each yr I struggle. I just loved these little chairs for three bucks! The boys have loved them!
Lleyton next to his loot from the Easter bunny.
This is Josh with the boys. He won't smile in pictures because he has Bel's Palsy. He's had it since March. We were pretty surprised because my brother-in-law has it too. It is extremely rare but effects the muscles in half your face. Josh has an eye disease and has to wear special contacts that pop out easy. Because of the Bels Palsy he can't blink so he has only been able to wear one of them. He had to sleep with his eye taped shut and relearn how to eat. He's been going to the chiropractor and that has helped a bit.
My boys in their Easter outfits.
Lleyton is such a good brother. For the most part they have a lot of fun together. They already are beginning sibling rivalry and little boy behavior. I am so not used to the roughness that boys play with. I grew up with four sisters so the hitting and wrestling is new to me. I've learned for the most part boys will be boys and I can't constantly do time-outs if there picking on each other.
Annual Easter Breakfast at my G-ma and G-pa Jasper's.
Since I started working we bought Lleyton a Nintendo Wii. I love it! He is really into golf right now and likes to play golf and Mario Kart. I wish we hadn't waited so long, we all have a blast.
My Ry Ry with his sunglasses. Love it!
Lleyton has been a big boy bed since I believe November. Hopefully we can move Rhyder into the same room with him soon.
I just rearranged and transitioned it from Lleyton's nursery into a room they can share.
Quality time with the kiddos! Josh is such a great Dad he's great about spending time with the boys. This pic was taken when we took Lleyton to the park to hit golf balls.
Lleyton golfing.
Lleyton is Superman! Do not call him Lleyton because he will tell you, "No! I superman!" He runs all around the house in his superman stance and even has his own superman cape. He is so funny these days. He constantly says things to crack us up. He is extremely honest and never lies even when I ask him "Did you hit your brother?" it's always a "yep!"
Potty training. A work in progress for both of us. If you have any tips feel free to share. One I have, don't put the waterproof diapers in the dryer:) Yea, we'll say this was an accident ;) I don't know how it snuck in.
My gothic child. This my friends, was done with permanent marker. Gotta love him.
"Boys only!"
Just one of Lleyton's latest and greatest. The other day I explained to him that were Bird's eggs in the tree. I don't know how it translated in his little mind but this is what I found after putting Ry down for a nap. Lleyton had gotten in the fridge and tried to bury the eggs in the tree Josh had Just bought. I knew something was bound to happen, (trees, dirt, little boys, and carpet don't mix), but thought it would be Rhyder eating the dirt, which also happened. In his venture to bury the eggs he managed to dump the dirt on the carpet and break the yolks in the pot with the dirt and on the carpet. Yay! I was shocked to see how much I had to dig to get them all out.
The crime scene.
The eggs. There were three more that had broken. These escaped unscathed.
Bath time with the bugaboos.
Oh yes, I caved in and we got Lleyton a kitten. So cute right? Yea until the kitty started peeing on my bed. Josh's Mom got a kitten too and said she would take in ours. I feel bad for Lleyton but they kept getting scratched by the kitten. It was a deal breaker when she wouldn't use the litter box all the time like most cats do. The good part is Lleyton can still visit "Yellow" or "Lolo". For now she is on a vacation with her sis and doing well.
These two crack me up. Monkey see, monkey do.
My newly redecorated room. I was sick of our "dormroom" but we want to wait to get a new bedroom set until we move. Who knows when that will be so this will do until then. I love it! We put my office in the alcove in our room also. I can now hide from my children when I need to work.
Wheeler Farm! My sister came up so we took the kids to Wheeler Farm in Murray. It is free and a lot of fun. They have tons of animals and it is beautiful. I recommend it.
Me and my boys.
Lleyton and his little cousin Codan.
Lleyton and his cousin Karlee. He loves her! She always watched out for him and if was falling behind she would offer to hold his hand. I think he's developing a crush.
I took this pic of the grandkids for my Dad's Fathers Day Present. My sister Jessica's kids, Karlee, Brody, Jayden, Codan, and My kids.
Pic of Lleyton also taken at Wheeler Farm.
Rhyder is now 21 lbs at 10 months, Lleyton only weighs 6 lbs more. He's my tank. Lleyton and I call him Ry Ry monster. It totally fits him. He attacks everything!
Best buddies!
Well, hopefully this helps everyone catch up a little. That is if anyone still peeks after my 5 month hiatus:)