Sunday, November 1, 2009

October Memories!

Josh and I love taking late night walks. It gives a chance to talk and if the kids are tired enough they fall asleep. It makes me melt when I look at my kids, especially when they are asleep. There is something about a sleeping child that is so precious and innocent.

Like I said above so precious!

This shows Lleyton's little personality to a tee. He is always turning on the charm and being a goof. I just love him!

So I know the pic above is blurry, but I can't stand how cute it is. Josh and Lleyton have such an amazing relationship, they adore each other and I hope they're always really close.

Typical two year old moment. Lleyton decided to dump all of his toys out and dump all of his animal crackers in.

Josh had to go out of town again this month and Lleyton struggles when he does. I tried keeping his mind off of it but its a little difficult with a newborn so I let him take all of his sticker stuff and put it on my face while I nursed the baby. Yea I know I look like a moron, but look how happy it made the kid :)

Talk about regression. Sometimes Lleyton likes to get out his old binkies and pretend he's a baby.

I adore this baby. He is always so happy and cuddly. He babbles all the time and loves it when people talk to him.

Nicknames for Rhyder: Our little bulldog, Turtle, Tank, Budha, Ry, Ry ry, buddy, chunky monkey, and Josh sometimes calls him an oompa loompa, which I HATE, they are freaky and my son is way too cute to be called that. Look at those cheeks they are so yummy!

Lleyton with his pumpkin we let him color on.

Rhyder's pumpkin, not that he has any idea look at his face.

Cruel and unusual punishment. Lleyton wanted to put these on, and I wouldn't let him take them off until I got a pic cause he looked so funny. Dude if he had a helmet it would've been so much better.

Lleyton loves getting in my closet and putting on my shoes. He doesn't always get the right matches though. They are so big on him, it looks like he has skis on.

Rhyder and I at the Trunk or Treat on the 30th.

Josh and Lleyton at the Trunk or Treat. Lleyton did really well. It was so fun and cute.

Ry that night after. He was so cute I had to take one more picture.

Lleyton on the way to Josh's Mom's Trunk or Treat. Josh called him our Cheeto Tiger because of the sunglasses.

Grandma Becky and Lleyton!

Our little family!

I love this picture of Rhyder. Becky was talking to him. He totally lights up when people talk to him.

Nana and Papa are holding Lleyton and Ry.
After the Trunk or Treat we went over to my parents for Chili and Scones and more Trunk or Treating. It was so funny when Josh and I were out with him going to houses. One of the houses had these things that popped out on there porch and it totally scared Lleyton. When the lady answered the door he was crying and she felt so bad. She opened the lid to try and show them they weren't real. When he told him to say thank you, he said thank you through heaves of sobs it was so funny and sad at the same time. Good times though! Thanks to everyone making it such a fun Halloween.

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