Saturday, May 3, 2008

aaawww ... sweet sleep

Lleyton had recently been getting up about 6 times a night to eat. He was only eating because he had been sleeping with Josh and I and he knew if he cried I would feed him. (in my defense feeding him knocks him out in just under 60 seconds). Well needless to say none of us were sleeping. Josh and Lleyton might do okay with not a lot of sleep ... but me on the other hand ... I'm not so sure. I put Lleyton in his crib and after about two nights he began sleeping from about 10 pm to 6:30 am. Swweet right? Yea, it will be in about two weeks. My sleeping habits are so messed up that I am averaging about 4 hours a night. Hopefully I don't mess up this sweet deal by letting Lleyton nap with me during the day (I've had some major headaches from lack of sleep and cave in during naptime). So anyways he has been doing pretty well. He woke up once the other night but I think it's because he is teething. He now has two teeth that are showing on the bottom. He knows how to use them too, except most of the time it's not for eating. THE BOY CAN BITE! Hopefully he will continue to sleep.

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